The Complete Beginners Guide To Card Magic
- Description
- Curriculum
Unleash the magic within you with our Complete Beginners Guide To Card Magic online video course! This comprehensive program is designed to guide you on a journey into the world of card magic, turning complete beginners into captivating performers. Through this interactive and engaging course, not only will you learn the fundamental skills necessary for card control, but also master 10 mind-blowing card routines that will leave your audience spellbound.
This isn’t just a simple instructional guide; it’s an immersive learning experience filled with top performance tips and tricks from expert magician, Ed Clarke! The high definition videos provided are recorded with multiple camera angles to ensure learning is simple and that will make your magical performances, smooth, successful and unforgettable. You’ll discover secrets behind creating intriguing narratives for your acts, establishing a strong stage presence and building a powerful connection with your audience.
In summary, our Complete Beginners Guide To Card Magic video course offers budding magicians a golden opportunity to turn their dreams into reality. It’s more than just learning magic; it’s about gaining confidence as a performer and discovering the endless possibilities that come along with mastering this art form.
2The Grips - IntroductionPreview 1:07 minutes
In the world of card magic, the artistry lies not only in the tricks performed, but also in the skilful manipulation of the cards themselves. And at the heart of this manipulation are the grips – those secret techniques that allow magicians to control a deck with finesse and precision. From classic techniques like the Mechanics Grip and the Biddle grip, these grips serve as a magician's silent partner, enabling them to create mind-boggling card magic that leave audiences spellbound.
3The Mechanics Grip1:45 minutes
When it comes to card magic, the mechanics grip is like the secret handshake of magicians. It is a fundamental technique that allows performers to control and manipulate cards with precision and finesse, leaving audiences spellbound. Mastering the mechanics grip is essential for any aspiring magician. In this video, we will delve into the intricacies of this grip, proper execution, and its role in enhancing the overall performance of card magic. So grab your deck of cards and get ready to unlock the secrets behind one of magic's most powerful tools - the mechanics grip!
4The Biddle Grip2:00 minutes
The Biddle grip, named after its creator, the renowned magician Elmer Biddle, allows performers to secretly control selected cards while maintaining an air of utter innocence. With a mere flick of the wrist or an inconspicuous shuffle, skilled magicians can manipulate seemingly shuffled decks to their advantage and leave spectators questioning reality itself. The mastery of the Biddle Grip is not only a testament to a magician's dexterity and finesse but also a gateway to unlocking an entire realm of mind-bending tricks that continue to astonish and enthral audiences worldwide.
5Moves and Techniques - Introduction1:10 minutes
Card magic is a captivating art form that has bewitched audiences for centuries. From the skilful manipulation of a deck of cards to the seamless execution of mind-boggling tricks, card magicians have mastered an array of moves and techniques to leave spectators in awe. In this video series, we will embark on a journey through the fundamental moves and techniques used by card magicians, unravelling the secrets behind their mesmerising performances and unveiling the inner workings that make them so spellbinding. Prepare to unlock the door to intrigue and wonder as we explore the fascinating world of Moves and Techniques in card magic.
6Obtaining and maintaining a break6:00 minutes
In the world of card magic, the pinky break is a secret weapon that separates the amateurs from the masters. This seemingly inconspicuous technique allows magicians to discreetly control cards, perform mind-boggling tricks, and leave audiences in awe. However, mastering this elusive move may seem simple, but to execute it correctly requires hours of practice and unwavering dexterity. In this video, we will delve into the art of obtaining and maintaining a pinky break – unraveling its secrets and offering tips to help aspiring magicians elevate their card magic to new heights. So grab your deck of cards, prepare to embark on a journey of mystery and mastery as we unveil the power behind this subtle yet essential skill in the world of prestidigitation.
7The Overhand Shuffle5:00 minutes
Card magic has long captivated audiences with its sleight of hand and mystifying illusions. And at the heart of every card trick lies the shuffle, a fundamental technique that not only ensures fairness but also conceals secrets within the deck. Among various shuffling techniques, one stands out for its elegant simplicity and deceptive charm: the overhand shuffle. With a casual fluidity, this method effortlessly mixes cards while allowing magicians to maintain control behind their seemingly relaxed demeanour. A skill mastered by countless performers throughout history, the overhand shuffle continues to be a cornerstone in card magic, captivating and baffling audiences with each mesmerising flick of the wrist.
8The Swing Cut (Straight Cut)3:15 minutes
Among the myriad techniques employed by skilled performers, one stands out as both elegant and versatile: the swing cut. With its smooth and graceful motion, this card manipulation technique not only facilitates seamless shuffling and impressive displays of card control but also adds an element of flair that leaves spectators in awe. In this lesson, we will delve into the intricacies of the swing cut, exploring the mechanics, and applications in modern card magic.
9The Double Undercut5:19 minutes
Among the many techniques used by these skilled magicians, one stands out as both deceptively simple and astoundingly effective: the double undercut. This seemingly innocuous move holds immense power in the hands of a skilled magician, allowing them to control card placement, deceive even the most observant eyes, and leave spectators awestruck with their incredible feats of sleight-of-hand.1
10Key Card Principle4:20 minutes
Among the many techniques employed by magicians to bewilder their audience, one principle stands out as particularly fascinating: the key card principle. This deceptively simple yet powerful technique allows magicians to control a selected card or predict its location with uncanny accuracy. By understanding and mastering this principle, aspiring magicians can unlock a world of possibilities and take their sleight of hand to the next level. In this lesson, we will delve into the intricacies of the key card principle in card magic, unraveling its secrets and exploring how it has been used to create mind-boggling magic throughout history.
11Swivel Cut2:00 minutes
This subtle yet sophisticated technique allows magicians to cleanly divide the deck into two separate piles, creating an illusion of complexity while maintaining complete control over every card. In this lesson, we will delve into the mechanics and intricacies of the swivel cut, unraveling its secrets and shedding light on how it continues to mystify audiences worldwide.
12Hindu Shuffle3:28 minutes
In the realm of card magic, where every shuffle, flick, and flourish is meticulously crafted to captivate audiences, one technique stands out for its elegance and mystery: the Hindu Shuffle. Dating back centuries, this seemingly simple yet deceivingly complex method of shuffling cards has become a staple in the repertoire of every skilled magician. With its origins rooted in ancient India and later adopted by magicians around the world, the Hindu Shuffle continues to mesmerise spectators with its fluidity and graceful execution. In this lesson, we delve into the mechanics behind this enigmatic technique that makes card tricks come alive like never before.
13Hindu Shuffle Card Force2:39 minutes
The Hindu Shuffle Card Force. This deceptively simple yet highly versatile technique allows magicians to secretly force a specific card on their unsuspecting spectators, setting the stage for astonishing revelations and jaw-dropping moments of wonder. In this lesson, we will delve into the intricacies of the Hindu Shuffle Card Force, exploring the mechanics, and how it can be seamlessly incorporated into your own repertoire of card tricks. Prepare to unlock a world of endless possibilities as we unravel the enigma behind this age-old technique!
14The Tricks - Introduction0:55 minutes
In this section, we have compiled a collection of 10 incredible card routines that will leave your friends and family in awe. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn some impressive tricks or an experienced magician wanting to add new routines to your repertoire, these video tutorials will guide you step-by-step through each trick. And not only that, but we've also included performance videos so you can see the tricks in action before mastering them yourself. Get ready to unlock the secrets behind these amazing illusions and become a master of card magic!
15You Do Everything - Performance2:05 minutes
16You Do Everything - Tutorial7:26 minutes
1721 Card Trick - Performance2:19 minutes
1821 Card Trick - Tutorial7:18 minutes
19The Next Card - Performance1:25 minutes
20The Next Card - Tutorial4:02 minutes
21I Can Read Your Mind - Performance1:36 minutes
22I Can Read Your Mind - Tutorial7:24 minutes
23Faster Than A Speeding Bullet - Performance1:01 minutes
24Faster Than A Speeding Bullet - Tutorial5:14 minutes
25Lied or Truth - Performance2:10 minutes
26Lied or Truth - Tutorial5:59 minutes
27The Perfect Poker Hand - Performance1:57 minutes
28The Perfect Poker Hand - Tutorial6:30 minutes
29The Heart Never Lies - Performance1:31 minutes
30The Heart Never Lies - Tutorial4:31 minutes
31Magnetic Aces - Performance1:28 minutes
32Magnetic Aces - Tutorial4:42 minutes
335 is the clue - Performance1:13 minutes
345 is the clue - Tutorial2:55 minutes